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S.No 5923 Name Micro2 Date/Time 16-Apr-2024 11:53:20 AM

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.model small

.stack 100h



regs BYTE PTR 3 DUP(?) ; Array to store 3 register values (adjust size as needed)



main PROC

    ; Load register values explicitly

    mov al, 7    ; Your register number (069) - Lower order byte

    mov ah, 0    ; Your register number (069) - Higher order byte (assuming single byte)

    mov [regs], al  ; Store lower byte in regs[0]


    mov al, 27   ; Friend's register number (027)

    mov [regs+1], al ; Store in regs[1]


    mov al, 7    ; Other friend's register number (007)

    mov [regs+2], al ; Store in regs[2]


    ; Find the smallest register value (optional)

    ; You can uncomment this section and modify it if needed

    ; ... (refer to previous explanation for the logic)


    ; Move register values to memory in ascending order

    mov di, OFFSET memory_start   ; Base address for memory locations

    mov cl, 3                       ; Loop counter (adjust as needed)



    mov bl, [regs+si]               ; Get the smallest value (or next in order)


    ; Assuming memory starts at the specified address

    mov [di], bl                   ; Move the value to memory at di


    inc di                         ; Move to the next memory location

    inc si                         ; Move to the next register value (already sorted)

    dec cl                          ; Decrement loop counter


    cmp cl, 0                       ; Check if all elements are moved

    jne loop_move                   ; If not, continue looping


    ; (Optional) Print the sorted register values (replace with your output method)

    ; ...



    mov ax, 4C00h    ; Exit code for DOS programs

    int 21h          ; Terminate program


main ENDP


END main


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