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S.No 49 Name Data Date/Time 17-Dec-2024 11:40:00 AM

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Ref: MZS.RE/MZD.214


Dated: 30-09-2023






It is to certify that Miss. Aroosa Mushtaq D/O M.Mushtaq Abbasi student of BSCS (session 2019-2023) University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad has successfully completed Internship program as Graphic Designer in the field of Graphic Designing from 25th June 2023 to 25th sep 2023, under the supervision and guidance of M/S. MZS Real Estate Marketing Network's Media and IT Department.


During the period of her Internship program with us, Miss.Aroosa Mushtaqhad been exposed to different processes and was found diligent, hardworking and inquisitive.


She demonstrated good skills and strategy with self-motivated attitude to learn new things. Her contribution to creative ideas, sponsorship presentations and study of different strategy and conducts in Graphic Designing.


We wish her all the best for her future endeavors.

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S.No Name Entry Time/Date
71 Hhh 15-Feb-2025 01:06:38 PM
70 res lett 12-Feb-2025 12:18:31 PM
69 BEST VIDEO 07-Feb-2025 08:00:12 AM
68 Lil KID 05-Feb-2025 11:55:04 AM
67 NUDIST 04-Feb-2025 11:40:50 AM
66 Lil Boy Girl 01-Feb-2025 08:41:25 AM
65 akhyar\'s 21-Jan-2025 02:41:48 PM
64 ....3.. 20-Jan-2025 06:14:45 PM
63 7861 20-Jan-2025 06:14:31 PM
62 7056 20-Jan-2025 06:14:20 PM
61 ....... 20-Jan-2025 06:14:09 PM
60 .... 20-Jan-2025 06:13:55 PM
59 .. 20-Jan-2025 06:13:41 PM
58 ... 20-Jan-2025 06:13:30 PM
57 Rrr 20-Jan-2025 05:49:19 PM
56 .... 20-Jan-2025 05:47:23 PM
55 akhyar 20-Jan-2025 03:59:57 PM
54 Dazdaz 20-Jan-2025 03:05:07 PM
53 Urdu 20-Jan-2025 02:24:16 PM
52 ) Verify the 17-Jan-2025 12:16:16 PM
51 ttttt 29-Dec-2024 03:42:35 PM
50 omar 29-Dec-2024 12:28:18 PM
49 Data 17-Dec-2024 11:40:00 AM
48 test 06-Dec-2024 09:39:12 AM
47 hehehehe 06-Dec-2024 09:33:42 AM
46 salman 06-Dec-2024 09:32:56 AM
45 tasks-06-Dec 06-Dec-2024 09:27:17 AM
44 Application 23-Nov-2024 01:31:19 PM
43 dfsf 22-Nov-2024 12:11:22 PM
42 dfsfsdfs 22-Nov-2024 12:10:49 PM

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