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S.No 35 Name Lab 8 Nov Date/Time 08-Nov-2024 09:23:00 AM

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1. Basic RunApp and MaterialApp

  • Question: Explain the purpose of the runApp() function in Flutter. What is its role in the app lifecycle?
  • Exercise: Create a simple Flutter app that displays "Hello, World!" as the text. Use the runApp() function to launch the app.

2. Text Widget

  • Question: How can you style the text in Flutter? Provide an example of how to change the text color and font size using the Text widget.
  • Exercise: Create a Flutter app that displays the text "Welcome to Flutter!" in bold with a large font size and a custom color (e.g., blue).

3. MaterialApp and Scaffold

  • Question: What is the purpose of the MaterialApp and Scaffold widgets in a Flutter app? How do they work together to set up a basic layout structure?
  • Exercise: Create a simple app using MaterialApp as the root widget and Scaffold to structure the app. Inside the Scaffold, display a Text widget in the center.

4. Row and Column Widgets

  • Question: What is the difference between the Row and Column widgets in Flutter? When would you use each of them?
  • Exercise: Create a layout with two sections: a horizontal row of three Text widgets at the top, and a vertical column of three Text widgets below. Use the Row and Column widgets appropriately.

5. Building Custom Widgets

  • Question: How do you create your own widget in Flutter? What is the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget?
  • Exercise: Create a custom widget that displays a simple message passed from its parent. Use StatelessWidget to create this widget.

6. Using Padding and Alignment

  • Question: How can you add padding and align widgets in Flutter? What widget do you use to add padding around a child widget?
  • Exercise: Modify your previous example where you created a Text widget, and wrap it with a Padding widget. Set the padding to 16 pixels and center the text inside the parent container.

7. Handling Button Presses

  • Question: How do you add interaction in Flutter? For example, how can you handle a button press using the ElevatedButton widget?
  • Exercise: Create an app with a button that, when pressed, shows a message below it. Use the ElevatedButton and handle the button press to update the text.

8. Using Colors and Material Design

  • Question: How can you set background colors in Flutter? What are some common Material color options available in Flutter?
  • Exercise: Create a layout with a Scaffold that has a custom background color. Inside the Scaffold, place a Text widget with a contrasting text color.

9. Exploring Layouts with Row and Column

  • Question: How can you control the alignment of items inside a Row or Column widget? What are some commonly used alignment properties?
  • Exercise: Create a Column widget with three Text widgets. Align the first text to the top, the second to the center, and the third to the bottom using the MainAxisAlignment and CrossAxisAlignment properties.

10. State Management in StatelessWidget

  • Question: Can a StatelessWidget have mutable data? If not, what kind of widget should you use if you need to change the UI dynamically?
  • Exercise: Modify the custom widget you created in Question 5 to display a counter that starts at 0 and increments when a button is pressed. You’ll need to switch to a StatefulWidget for this.

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35 Lab 8 Nov 08-Nov-2024 09:23:00 AM
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